Giovanna Chavez Miguel
Berlin  |  México  |  Colombia 
Researcher & Audiovisual Artist
Agroecology - Human Geography - Rural Sociology

For more than a decade, I traveled with my camera across all of continents. Through my lens and my research, I have sought to understand how farming communities in remote mountainous areas live in harmony with their natural environment.
As I immerse myself in the fascinating world of the farmers, I use my camera as a tool to capture what science is unable to explain.
My work visualizes farming communities who maintain agricultural knowledge and agrobiodiversity in the context of Global Change. Giving a voice to farmers, whose vibrant (agri)cultures are at risk of dissapearing, is my greatest motivation.
In addition, I am a mother, which makes me determined to dedicate my life to improving the sustainability of food production and agricultural landscapes in practice.
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